Work No. 668; Transparency; the first thing they claim – the last thing they want

Transparency, the first thing they claim
Transparency;  the first thing they claim – the last thing they want.
c. Michael St.Mark 2013

*Topical with the current bungs-for-questions lobbying expose etc but also of course eminently consistent historically.

Digital manipulation photo overlay collage featuring the Houses of Parliament and a line up of pigs at trough.

Signed edition of 50 lightjet  prints on Kodak Pro Endura 30″ x 24″
£260 ( unframed )

* See website for print ordering info

Work No. 667; “Get yer rocks off here boys!”

” Get yer rocks off here boys ” – the macho guys’ guide to bonding –
c. Art Axis 2012



Feigned “stumbled-upon” summer beach scene. Southend Essex.
Featuring former Vogue model, London Dada artist Dingo

Links thematically to Work No. from 2010 ” Boudoir Nights – the Hopelessness of Male Sexual Fantasy VII



_*Updated Dec 2017____________________________________

London Dada fast-access archive, sales and event news website

Work 666; The Beast

666 the beast
The Beast
c. Michael St.Mark 2011

Found fallen Ash tree root complex in woodland, Barnet.

Signed edition of 25 giclee prints 32 ” x 28″ on Ilford Pearl
£230 ( unframed)

Although the eye may immediately “see”  the protruding head of some terrible beast, in actuality the object is obviously merely knarled, weathered, partly charred wood.  The “beast” lies within us and is projected or imputed by the mind onto the object.
In similar fashion every day we project our hopes and fears onto external objects in the world, unconsciously judging strangers by how they look, even though in reality their actual character may bear no resemblance to our imaginings. Demonizing or worshiping impersonal forms or people are two extremes or sides of the same coin of delusion that are held dear by the ego ready to pronounce in judgement over others.
In the case of the mythology behind 666, “the number of the beast”, there is no evidence to back up the many extreme claims made over the centuries;  indeed, to the contrary…

Phillips Stevens Jr., an anthropologist at the University at Buffalo, suggests that the association of “666” with disasters, evil, doomsday scenarios, and the devil are based on a “widespread misinterpretation” of Revelation 13.

Professor Stevens said:

“Like most superstitions, the avoidance of the numbers 13 and 666 are examples of magical thinking. People everywhere believe that things associated with other things, through actual contact or just some similarity, have causal relationships even over space and time. Things associated with good events or great people can bring good fortune; things associated with failure, disastrous events or evil people carry some of that negativity with them.”
He suggests that the “number of the beast” in Revelation 13 does not refer to Satan, but to one of many beasts mentioned in that passage”

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